วันพุธที่ 12 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553


>>> DNS-323 How to upgrade firmware (v1.07)?

Please refer this link how to upgrade firmware on DNS-323

!!CAUTION!! Please backup your file at DNS-323 HD before doing upgrade firmware procedure!

Please do the following:

Step 1. Please download the latest firmware at http://dlink.com.sg/support and choose your DNS-323 model.
Or you also can click on this link URL directly: ftp://dlink.com.sg/download/DNS-323/1.07/NAS202C_DLINKEu_DNS323.1.07b01(1.55.0327.2009)(BETA)

Step 2. Save it to your local hard drive.

Step 2. Open a Web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) and log into your DNS-323 by typing in its IP address (e.g. default

Step 3. Enter your username (admin) and your password. Click Config to enter the web configuration for the device.

Step 4. Click on the TOOLS tab and then click on SYSTEM button on the left side. Under the CONFIGURATION SETTINGS click on SAVE. And it will prompt you the file config and you need to save to your local hard drive.

Step 5. Click on the TOOLS tab and then the FIRMWARE button on the left side. Click on the Browse button and browse to the firmware file you downloaded in Step 1. Highlight the file by clicking on it once and click Open.

Step 6. Click on Save Settings. It may take a up to 30 seconds for the upgrade to complete. Click on the Continue button. The firmware is now upgraded.

Step 7. After the firmware upgrade successful to skip the system asking you to re-format the HHD, you must perform reset factory default setting.
**Note: The following reset procedure will completely restore the default settings on the product including password.

Step 8. Locate the reset pinhole on the back of the unit.

Step 9. With the unit powered on, press and hold the Reset button.

Step 10. Hold the Reset button for about 10 seconds.

Step 11. Release the Reset button.

Step 12. The device is now at factory defaults.

Step 13. Open a Web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) and log into your DNS-323 by typing in its IP address (e.g. default

Step 14. Click on the TOOLS tab and then click on SYSTEM button on the left side. Under the CONFIGURATION SETTINGS click on BROWSE. And point the config file you already save on local hard drive previously in Step 4.

If you have any further technical concerns or issue, please feel free to send an e-mail at: support@dlink.com.sg , or you can reach Voice technical Support at: 1800 88 2880 / +62215731610 / +6566229355

>>> DNS-323 Reset Procedure

The following reset procedure will completely restore the default settings on the product including password.

Step 1 Locate the reset pinhole on the back of the unit.

Step 2 With the unit powered on, press and hold the Reset button.

Step 3 Hold the Reset button for about 10 seconds.

Step 4 Release the Reset button.

Step 5 The device is now at factory defaults.

>>> DNS-323 How do I map a drive using the Easy search utility?

Please visit http://support.dlink.com/faq/view.asp?prod_id=2938 for complete FAQ and screen shots.

The Easy Search Utility makes it simple to map drives to your computer. To get started, insert the DNS-323 CD into your CD-ROM and launch the Easy Search Utility.

Step 1: Select an available DNS-323.

Available volumes will be displayed under Drive Mapping. Highlight the drive you want to map.

Step 2: Select an available drive letter from the drop-down menu and click Connect.

Once connected, your mapped drives(s) will appear in My Computer as network drives.

>>> DNS-323 Adding users

Step 1. Log into the DNS-323. The default username is admin (all lower case) and the default password is blank (nothing). Click on Config.

Step 2. Click on the Advanced tab at the top and then click on Users on the left hand side.

Step 3. Under 'Create A User', configure the following:

Group - Select a previously created Group for the user to join or none if there are no groups assigned.

User Name - Set a unique name for the user.

Password - Set a unique password for the user.

Confirm Password - Confirm the assigned password for the user.

Step 4. Click on the Apply button to save your settings.

>>> DNS-323 and DNS-343 - Map Drive with Win 7 >>>
>>> DNS-323 How to Configure my DNS-323 to download Torrent files using the Built in BitTorrent Feature?

Please take note of the following requirements before attempting to do the instructions:

1. Latest Firmware 1.05 OFFICIAL Release
2. Easy Search utility 4.02
3. Port forwarding needs be done on the router. (Required)

Step 1. Go to the easy search utility and on the volume name, map the drive called BT. Click Connect.

(If you don’t see a BT folder, click any Volume, and after that, click Bit Torrent. Wait for the installation to finish and you should see a BT folder afterwards)

Step 2. After mapping, you should see your mapped Bt folder under My Computer. It will contain 3 folders,

1. Complete (Completed downloaded Files), Incomplete, and Torrents.

Step 3. Login inside of your DNS-323, enter your username and password, (admin and no password by default) and click Downloads

Step 4. Click Bit Torrent

Step 5. Go to the website where the torrent is hosted and download and save it on your PC. (Webpage shown is only an EXAMPLE)

Step 6. Go back to the DNS-323 configuration page,
Click Browse, and go to the torrent file that you have downloaded, and click Add.

Step 7. After that, you will see the torrent filename, size, completion rate. Please click Start to begin download.

Step 8. Click Settings. You will see the default port 6881. Please call your router manufacturer, Give them the IP address of the DNS-323, and ask them to do port forwarding for 6881, TCP and UDP protocol.

Step 9. Once your File is Done downloading, you will be able to see it under the Complete Folder inside of the Bt folder on you’re My Computer, or DNS-323.

For more information about BitTorrent, you can go to the site below:


>>> DNS-323 How do I setup E-mail alerts on my DNS-321/323/343?

Step 1: Log into the DNS-323/321 configuration web interface and click the Tools tab and select E-Mail Alerts on the left side.

Step 2: Select either Account or Anonymous.

**Note: Anonymous does not require a User Name or Password to be entered however you must check with your ISP or Email service if anonymous emailing is allowed.

Step 3: Enter the appropriate user name and password for your e-mail account.

Step 4: Enter the IP address or domain name of your outgoing mail server in the SMTP Server field. If you are unsure of this value, contact your e-mail provider.

Step 5: Enter the from e-mail address (e.g. alerts@dns323.com) in the Sender E-Mail field. This field does not require a valid e-mail address. However, if your e-mail client is filtering spam, make sure you allow this address to be received.

Step 6: Enter the e-mail address you want to send the alerts to in the Reciever E-Mail field . This address must correspond with the SMTP server configured above.

Step 7: Test the E-Mail Alert by clicking the Test E-Mail button and confirm your settings are correct.

Step 8: Select your E-Mail Alert Types you want to be sent to you and click Save Settings at the top of the menu.

Note: If E-mails notification fail to send please verify the unit has the proper DNS settings in the LAN configuration.

>>> DNS-323 - FTP Logs for DNS-323 and DNS-343
Please take note that our DNS-323 and DNS-343 do have the FTP log in the below following firmware.

DNS-323 - Firmware 1.08 (Will release soon for DRS) Status >>> LOG
DNS-343 - Firmware 1.03b76 (Official release, can get it from www.dlink.com.sg) Status >>> LOG