>>> DWL-2000AP How to setup DWL-2000AP on Client mode?
***NOTE: D-Link currently supports the DWL-2000AP connecting in client mode to another DWL-2000AP. The DWL-2000AP cannot be a client to other wireless routers or access points.
To configure the DWL-2000AP for Client mode follow the steps below:
Step 1 Log into the web based configuration by typing in the IP address of the DWL-2000AP (default: in your web browser. The username is admin (all lowercase) and the password is blank (nothing).
Step 2 Click on the Advanced tab and click on Mode.
Step 3 Select Client Mode and enter the Remote AP MAC. The remote AP MAC is the MAC address of the access point or wireless router you are connecting to.
***Note: Make sure when connecting to a wireless router, use the LAN or Ethernet MAC address, not the Wireless MAC address.
Step 4 Click the Apply button and click Continue to restart the DWL-2000AP.